This proposal aims to burn the remaining ~3.0126 MLAOS tokens in the Crownload Pool due to unclaimed balances. These funds, located at the address 0x36126Bce36F8fa2E1712ad8Ec01c1bBe62ca25bA, have remained unclaimed for an extended period. Burning them will contribute to improving the transparency and efficiency of the LAOS token ecosystem.
- The remaining LAOS tokens at the specified address have not been claimed by the intended recipients within the designated timeframe.
- To maintain trust and fairness within the ecosystem, it is essential to address unutilized and stagnant tokens.
- Burning these tokens ensures they cannot be misused or reallocated, thereby enhancing the long-term value and sustainability of the LAOS token.
- Reduction in the total circulating supply of LAOS tokens.
- Increased value and fairness for current token holders.
Overwritten .... retrying with and using the normal propose queue