What is Addressable.io?
Addressable.io is a special marketing tool enabling outreach to social media users associated with on-chain holdings & activities.
For this service, Addressable charges 15% of ad spends and $800/month for daily audience optimizations.
We propose to test this service and discreetly slip Kusamarian Media into the timelines of X users with credible blockchain activity.
Read on to find out why….
Addressable has worked with Chainlink, Bancor, Polygon, Hashflow, Bigtime & more.
The Addressable Team
Jazz pianist, Harvard alum with more than 20 years of experience in data-driven organizations. Previously VP of Product at Salt Security, securing billions of APIs every day.
14 years of CTO experience - now Head of Research and Engineering - Tomer built data applications in large organizations including Synamedia, Akamai Technologies, Israel’s prime minister office and At-Ba.
Dr. Asaf Nadler
Chief Scientist
X, LinkedIn
17 years of experience in data analytics & directing data science (8200 and Akamai Technologies). PhD in software engineering. 10 publications and 250+ citations.
Value to DOT Holders
The Kusamarian believes Addressable’s service would be of value to all treasury funded media assets seeking the focused attention of the Addressable audience to grow their own.
Besides proving as a testing ground for future Addressable partnerships, this spend proposal will increase exposure of Kusamarian content past and future with targeted audience growth, increase Kusamarian audience management capacity, and develop an app to funnel new adience members to Buy DOT, Stake it, and use it to Vote. More locked DOT!
The Proposed Budget is allocated in the following ways:
→ Ad Buying - $100,000
↳ $85,000 X ads, $15,000 YouTube Ads
We understand the need for Polkadot to participate in the competitive branded videos market. Broader “crypto” audiences need to be armed with the information to Buy DOT!
Our goal, however, is to convert DOT Buyers into holders, stakers, governors and users of Polkadot’s emerging applications.
The purchase of these ads intend to yield at least 200,000 new X followers from Addressable’s audience and 15,000 new YouTube Subscribers via the platforms immerging Google Ads integration.
→ Addressable.io Fee - $17,400
↳ $15,000 Addressable Fees, $2400 Three months guidance
Standard entry fees for working with Addressable.io
→ Kusamarian Asset Development - $42,600
↳ $10,000 - 200 Video Thumbnails - $50 a piece
While we’ve found great success focusing on growing an X audience with video content, it’s important to establish wider visibility on YouTube – especially with the current trend of Treasury paying for YouTube-focused influencers.
A competition among native DOT Holder talent to redesign Kus Thumbnails for high conversion from impressions to watchtime will be held in the WagMedia server for our best performing past content and future videos with the aim of $50 a piece.
↳ $12,600 - at least 3 month Posting & Accounts Manager - $4,200 a month
With increased demand for audience attention already, it is necessary to share the responsibilities of posting content, promoting Kus Staking services, managing the Kus Delegate Voting program, & fielding DMs & engagement across 6 platforms to a new team member.
We anticipate ramping a new team member into a full time position.
↳ $20,000 - Audience Stake n’ Vote App + Discord Bots
New attention and followers are the first two steps in a journey to holding, staking, governing, and dogfooding applications built with Polkadot.
We are developing 2 pieces of software requiring improvements for the next stages of this growth program:
An alpha version of the Stake n Vote app can be seen here. It allows users to connect their wallet, stake with Kus Validators (The Ideal funding source for The Kusamarian) and Delegate to The Kus Delegates.
Kusamarian also employs 2 bots: WagTool for awarding on-chain points to community members and the ChaosDAO gov bot for giving verified audience members a democratic control over the Kus Delegates.
Following a successful outcome with Addressable.io (follower metrics achieved within 3 months) we hope to broaden Addressable’s involvement in treasury-funded media brands at a competitive price.
For the Kusamarian, this spurt of attention & audience growth will lead us to focus further down the funnel on the metrics of audience staking and voting. As stated in previous proposals, this is a superior metric for Treasury-funded media brands. The tools developed in this spend proposal as well as the partnership with Addressable.io will be available to other Treasury assets in the future.
See a Google Doc version here.
We appreciate feedback below. Response to accounts with a history of voting will be prioritized.
Please frame feedback as a question or an expectation for any of the proposed spends detailed above (It would be worth it if...).
Thank you!
The Kus
Addressable.io is a marketing tool that helps reach social media users associated with blockchain activities. The service charges 15% of ad spends and $800/month for daily audience optimizations. The Kusamarian proposes to test this service and discreetly slip Kusamarian Media into the timelines of X users with credible blockchain activity. The proposed budget is allocated to Ad Buying, Addressable.io Fee, and Kusamarian Asset Development. The goal is to convert DOT Buyers into holders, stakers, governors, and users of Polkadot’s emerging applications. The tools developed in this spend proposal as well as the partnership with Addressable.io will be available to other Treasury assets in the future.
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