Term: 1 January 2023 - 31 March 2023
This Treasury Proposal is an extension of our current maintenance & support contract with the Polkadot Ecosystem. The extension of the maintenance & support contract covers term: 1 January 2023 until 31 March 2023.
Polkascan Foundation is a not-for-profit infrastructure service provider and maintainer of Polkadot ecosystem open source software, such as the Polkascan Explorer and Python libraries. The Python libraries were initially funded by Web3 Foundation grants, they have a generalized nature, suitable for adoption by any Python-based project in the broader Polkadot ecosystem.
At the time of writing 213 Github repositories are depending on our libraries.
Previous activity reports can be found here:
Links and further details:
We will be available to answer the Polkadot Council's questions.
Here is a summary of the SubSquare post content: