Term: 1 October 2022 - 31 December 2022
This Treasury Proposal is an extension of our current maintenance & support contract with the Polkadot Ecosystem. The extension of the maintenance & support contract covers term: 1 October 2022 until 31 December 2022.
Polkascan Foundation is a not-for-profit infrastructure service provider and maintainer of Polkadot Ecosystem Python Libraries. The Python libraries were initially funded by Web3 Foundation grants, they have a generalized nature, suitable for adoption by any Python-based project in the broader Polkadot ecosystem.
At the time of writing 176 Github repositories are depending on our libraries.
Previous activity reports can be found here:
Links and further details:
We will be available to answer the Polkadot Council's questions.
Here is a summary of the SubSquare post content: