Encointer has innovated community currencies with its secure and decentralized sybil-defense protocol, laying the foundation for a brighter future with basic income. Field-tested with several hundred users, this protocol, known as Encointer LoCo, has proven its capabilities in pilot communities like the Leu community in Zurich.
With new products, Encointer will not only benefit Kusama as a laboratory for personhood and local community currencies. It will benefit Polkadot directly as well:
So far, expenses have mainly been funded by the KSM treasury. Starting with September 2023, the team proposes to be funded by the Polkadot treasury on the grounds that Polkadot and its parachains benefit from new products to be released in the next few months. See milestones.
Our recent proposal passed OpenGov on Kusama and will cover expenses for July and Aug 2023. The controversial discussions surrounding the Treasury proposal have led Encointer to draw some important conclusions:
We understand that launching new communities and navigating the complexities of the protocol can be demanding, slowing down widespread adoption. But fear not! We'd like to propose a viable solution: BeeDance.
BeeDance opens up a world of possibilities for event organizers to create their very own Encointer community, whether it's for a single event or a series of regular meetups. With BeeDance, organizers have the freedom to choose the event location and determine the timing that suits them best. The beauty of BeeDance lies in its simplicity and flexibility, making it far easier to launch compared to Encointer LoCo. While it serves as an excellent onboarding tool for LoCo, it also stands strong as a standalone protocol for proof-of-attendance (PoA). Expect more info on BeeDance to be published before decoded'23.
Proof-of-personhood will become such a fundamental primitive of our online lives that we suggest to acknowledge it as a basic human right. Therefore we claim it it is imperative to not let a for-profit entity take care of it (like i.e. worldcoin as a bad example).
Inclusivity in web3, too, is a common good for the entire Dotsam ecosystem as it helps onboarding the long tail of the wealth distribution: A market that should not be underestimated.
As Encointer's offerings are non-excludable and aiming to be non-rivalrous, there can't be a business case here which would offer an ROI to investors (into Encointer). However, the Encointer protocol adds value to the ecosystem as a whole which will inevitably cause buy pressure to DOT/KSM.
We propose a treasury spend of 423'000 CHF (approx. 469'953 USD) = 99’672 DOT for Encointer's expenses for 4 months (Sept-Dec 2023)
Please read our detailed proposal which is consistent with our previous split proposal on Kusama
Encointer is a platform that has created a new type of community currency using a secure and decentralized protocol called Encointer LoCo. This protocol has been tested in pilot communities like the Leu community in Zurich and has proven its capabilities. Encointer has also created new products like the Encointer Faucet, the Encointer personhood oracle, and BeeDance, which will benefit Polkadot directly. Encointer proposes to be funded by the Polkadot treasury starting in September 2023. Encointer aims to focus on global expansion and inclusivity in web3, which is a common good for the entire Dotsam ecosystem. Encointer proposes a treasury spend of 423'000 CHF for its expenses for 4 months from September to December 2023.